I Choose Love over Fear ❤️

My goal for this week is to practice saying to myself, “I choose Faith over anxiety, Hope over worry and Love over fear.” Notice the power that our words can have. When we speak negatively to ourselves think about how terrible that feels?!? 🙁 the enemy uses words to attack us and make us feel miserable and horrible like him. On the other hand when we choose to focus on inviting words and affirmations of faith, hope, peace and love into our minds. We remind ourselves of our divine power! Our divine identity and the Father in heaven that we have who can fill us with stronger thoughts Faith, Hope, Love and Peace. The choice is ours. Focus on the bad? Or choose to have faith in God and focus on the good that He can provide. ❤️

Remember the power of our words can serve as affirmations and also as a divine practice. When fears arise, affirmations, prayer and our breathing can move us gently toward the light even as we face the darkness. They make us mindful of our thoughts and our choice to be able to direct them with faith and hope. Choosing to do this over and over again is the practice. When worries settle in, we always have the choice to look at them through the eyes of fear or the eyes of God. Instead of allowing fear and negative thoughts to take over. I invite you to change your view and start looking up to God for your support, your comfort and your help. He’s ready and willing to guide you and help you to hold on to Him. ❤️

When we feel stressed and overwhelmed we can choose to close the door to the outside world and instead make our thoughts and emotions known to God. I promise you that He does hear and answer every prayer of your heart. Maybe not always in the timing you would like, but HE does answer. Even if it’s with a thought or a feeling of love and peace. 💛

He did this for me today. He answered me with LOVE! ❤️ My worries or stresses seemed to just disappear for that moment. God just let me know that He loves me. He is aware of my needs and the desires of my heart. After praying to Him, I felt/heard His words being poured into my heart and mind, when He said to me in the peaceful and quiet voice of the spirit “ Peace I leave with you. My Peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you, LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID” 💛 I felt so much comfort from His words. I can testify to you that God is ready to pour that comfort and peace over you remember that it’s not the peace of the word. But it’s His divine peace. So, don’t let your heart be troubled of afraid. Focus on HIS PEACE INSTEAD.

I also felt him speak to my heart the words which say “In the world ye shall have tribulation, BUT BE OF GOOD CHEER, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.” How amazing that God poured those scriptures over my soul today. I know it’s not an accident and if you’re reading this, then, remember that a loving God is giving you these words for YOU to read at this very moment. He is so aware of you. Of your pains and your needs and the hopes and desires of your heart. He’s reminding of you His words so that you may allow them to be a blessing to you. & that you may hold on to His promises. He wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU! He wants you to PLACE YOUR TRUST IN HIM & LOOK TO HIM FOR YOUR COMFORT AND SUPPORT. He will take care of everything & ALL WILL BE OK.

As we’re willing to surrender our challenges to Him with a brave, willing, patient and open heart. Trusting in the God of love, the creator of our souls. We will see that He will remove the stress and anxiety from our hearts. We will practice leaning on HIM & Not leaning on our challenges or on ourselves to try to control our situations. Instead, we can pray to be able to receive Gods council for all that we do. We can breathe deeply accept those things we can’t control and be more willing to hand them over to God. Allowing Him to then remind us of the things we can control. Such as our thoughts, our words and our actions. Therefore making it possible for ourselves to invite God to guide us each day and replace all of the heaviness we feel with HIS LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE instead. ❤️

The LOVE OF GOD is the greatest gift in the world. Just to know that you are loved by God, allows you to remove anything else that makes you feel unhappy, anxious or stressed. Because the love of God fills and covers your heart, mind and soul with peace. It brings an assurance that everything will be ok. So, if you just want to feel the love of God for you right now, please stop reading for a moment. Just close your eyes, plug your ears and just offer a prayer of thanks to God and ask Him to allow you to feel His love. Wait after you pray, and see if you feel His peace and His love being poured over you. ❤️ All of this in an experiment of faith. The soul that is able to trust in God, to believe that He exists and that he is the father of our souls, is way more able to gain an assurance of that love and divinity. So, pay close attention to the thoughts that come into your heart and mind after you pray and if possible take a moment to record your thoughts or write down what you felt. Invite his peace and love and let Him help you through the rest. 💛

It’s completely up to us to CHOOSE to exercise our spiritual muscles daily & to focus on His love. ❤️ It’s up to us to choose to place our TRUST ON HIM with everything that happens in our lives and to know and believe that with HIS HELP we truly can overcome all things.❤️

So, Today I invite you to say to yourself as often as you need to; “I choose faith, Hope and Love and when I do, my anxiety, worries and fears dissolve. My focus becomes centered on the highest good for my soul. I believe that all things are possible as I place my trust on the amazing love of a God who is ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL & ALL LOVING.”

Let’s trust in His never ending love and blessings and let’s remind ourselves that He walks the path of life with us and He will carry us through it all. ❤️ Let’s make it a point to have the thoughts of our mind and our words come from a place of LOVE. Love for God, Love for ourselves individually and Love for others. ❤️ TODAY I CHOOSE FAITH, HOPE LOVE & PEACE.

That is our Spiritual Goal for the week. To move from moment to moment breathing as deeply as we need to. Inviting ourselves to choose more of Gods Love, Faith, Hope & Peace. Being compassionate to ourselves and others, inviting God to be with us to guide our thoughts and actions from one moment to the next. & also remembering that we are divine souls with divine power 💪🏼 remember your strength in God and what you accomplish and do with His help. ❤️

Our Physical Goal for the week: Is to give ourselves the right nutrition, movement and rest that our bodies need to be able to function their best each day. Remember to come from a place of love in how you treat, nourish and take care of yourself. 

Class will be canceled for 4 weeks starting next week. 😢🙈 So, please try to make it TONIGHT AT 7PM!!! So that we can all see each other & give ourselves an amazing therapy that will leave our Bodies, Minds and Spirits feeling stronger, uplifted and peaceful! 🥰❤️🙏 & If anyone feels that the physical portion of the class is not for you, but you’d like to come meditate with us, just show up at 7:45 with your mat and meditate with us! 😍 it feels amazing & it will recharge us all so much! 🧘🏻‍♀️🌅

Remember to focus on loving yourself, on giving yourself the best nutrition and on allowing yourself to have moments of peace and quiet to recharge your energy and your connection to God. Take deep breaths, calm your thoughts and turn them to God and what He would tell you. Focus your energy hour by hour on thoughts that are GOOD FOR YOU. Fill yourself with trust and love for God, yourself and others. Breathe & let Him guide you. This will allow you to handle the challenges of life with a perspective that’s more aligned to God. More focused on His divine love for you. So, when you notice fear, stress or anxiety. Kick the enemy out by focusing on the love that God has for you! ❤️ & keep trusting, believing and choosing Faith, Hope, Love & Peace. You’ve got this! 😘❤️


Lili 🌸

Counsel With The Lord 💖

This week I challenged myself to memorize this scripture im Alma 37:37 which says; “Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.”

As I’ve been meditating on this scripture this week, I’ve had some realizations that are helping me gain new insights. One of those, is that I realized that I don’t counsel enough with the Lord. Sometimes our prayers are so repetitive, we tend to ask for things and we forget to counsel or to listen to what God is trying to communicate to us. The word counsel, reminds me that when we counsel with someone, we come to them because they’re wise and they have insights that we do not have.

So, I’m trying to make it my goal to be more intentional about coming to God and to counsel with him in all my doings. As I practiced/tested this out at the beginning of the week, there was one day when I was really overwhelmed. As I made it a point to set some time aside to speak to God and to invite his presence to be with me. I found myself just breathing and waiting for an answer. When all of a sudden, I felt completely covered in peace. It was hard to believe that I had sat down a few minutes earlier completely overwhelmed and as I pondered and prayed, God completely filled my heart, mind and soul with peace. My circumstances hadn’t changed, I still had the same amount of pressures and things going on. But, God covered me in peace and that was exactly the type of counsel that my heart and soul needed.

It was amazing to me that I was able to then walk away feeling peaceful, calm and relaxed. It’s almost as if God told me to not worry about the little things…a lot of these things are just temporary & there are bigger and greater things to focus on and to think about. So, I felt completely different about my “stress”, I felt way more relaxed and peaceful. & that wouldn’t have happened, had I not taken a moment to come to Him and counseled with Him. My day ended up being so much better than the way it had started. I’m thankful for what I learned from that experience.

Another thing that stood out to me, is that I have to TRUST that He will hear me and answer me. God wanted me to show him that I TRUSTED IN HIM enough to come to Him & to counsel with Him. He let me know that He hears even the smallest prayers, and that as I trust him, read his words, come to him and do my part to hear him, ALL WILL BE OK. 💛 This was an amazing experience for me and an example of the importance of counseling with God, & also of the importance of doing my part in the process as well.

When we come to God and counsel with him in all our doings, He promises that HE WILL DIRECT US FOR GOOD. & what better promise can we have than from God? We canTRUST HIM that He will speak to our heart and mind. That he will give us wisdom to handle whatever situation we may be facing whether big or small. And that He will direct us for good. He is a loving God and wants to be here to help us through it ALL. To counsel us and to guide us.

From our part, we can show him that we’re willing to be PROACTIVE and to do our best to exercise our own wisdom as we continue to learn of him, to invite Him to be with us in all that we do. Even hour by hour we can ask for His help and counsel to know what to do and how to react to this person, challenge or situation in this very moment.

Finally, at the end of that scripture, it talks about letting our hearts be full of thanks unto God. Gratitude is one of those things that will allow us to strengthen our relationship with God. Gratitude is a vibration or an energy that we radiate. There are lower vibrations of energy, such as stress, anxiety, frustration, comparison, competition, complaining, criticism, etc. but when we focus on gratitude, our vibration rises, gratitude reduces those lower vibrations, and it instead allows us to feel more Joyful and peaceful. It can actually shift circuits in our brain in the direction of feeling a better sense of well-being, more grounded, less fear etc.

Gratitude is powerful and healing. Gratitude is acceptance. Even to the point that we can accept things, people and situations as they are. Gratitude is healing. & that higher vibration will allow us to radiate that to others and to receive counsel from the Lord with a grateful and humble heart.

So, I invite you to counsel with the Lord this week in all that you do. I pray that you will experience for yourself how amazing God is when we truly make it a point to seek Him and to do what he would want us to do in all of our circumstances.

If there’s something that you want to share with me, please message me. I love hearing about your amazing God moments. 🫶🏼🥰

Our physical goal for the week to choose healthier meals and to walk or exercise daily. Also take a moment to express gratitude for your body and the gift that it is to have it and to create a stronger desire within you to want to take care of it. 💖

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm We’re gonna dance away our tensions or stress & focus instead on strengthening our body, mind and spirit. & ending with an amazing and relaxing meditation that will leave us feeling peaceful, positive and uplifted. 🥰 Love you all and hope to see you there! ❤️


Lili 🌸

Inner Peace Keeper 💛

With everything going on in our world, and the different challenges that we all face, It’s easy to allow the chaos of it all to increase and cause greater emotional stress, fear and anxiety.

We see that not only is our peace constantly being affected, but new research has also shown that our levels of addictions or the ways in which we choose to numb our emotions is also increasing. Have you noticed that the world as a whole is having a harder time controlling their feelings, thoughts and emotions? People can’t seem to control themselves. Sadly, we’re becoming a society that’s more disconnected, divided and addicted. Numbing our emotional stress with outside sources and completely forgetting how to stop, breathe and silence our minds and hearts.

Think about what we tend to resort to “to help us feel better,” we often times reach for food, our phones, TV, entertainment, shopping, posting on social media in search for compliments or validation, we reach for substances, gossiping and many other activities that seem harmless at first. But, but little by little become the ways in which we buffer our emotions. These types of activities tie us down to being controlled by them. We loose our ability to genuinely regulate our inner peace, based on the power that we have and our ability to ask God to help us.

When we can acknowledge the ways in which we’re becoming more dependent on outside sources to bring us inner peace, we can take a good look at those things and start to work on them. Most of the time we don’t even realize how much we’re allowing those things to control our emotional state. Or how we’re “numbing the discomforts” of life, which little by little begin to dim our inner peace more and more. Remember that the world, and the enemy of your soul will always push for you to become dependent on outside sources. So that you may become a “slave” to those things. The enemy will even lie to you and tell you that it’s too uncomfortable to sit with your feelings. That you can’t look within yourself etc…But that’s how he ties us to more material things and keeps us away from God. The enemy knows that if he can keep us distracted, unable to process our feelings and definitely doing everything in his power to prevent us from speaking or communicating with God. Then, that’s how he wins. Making us miserable like himself.

God, our Father in Heaven, on the other hand wants us to be able to rise above that. To CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES to turn to God for the help we need. He wants us to create within ourselves that strong desire that we may know that WE ARE HIS CHILDREN. & that as such, WE HAVE ACCESS TO DIVINE POWER, LIGHT AND GREATER PEACE. He wants us to know that we don’t need to depend on anything material or of this world to bring us the peace that we seek. But to know instead, that God is the giver of our peace. That He can provide that peace abundantly even admits the storms of life. So that when the rains come and the waters rise during our storms, we may be able to know in whom we trust and remain peaceful and faithful.

This week I want to motivate you and encourage you to push past the discomfort & take a deeper look within yourself. Remember that this will most likely not feel very comfortable at first, and you may be tempted to grab your phone or turn on the TV, or call a friend to gossip or whatever else you try to do to get out of fully sitting for a moment and just feeling your feelings and emotions.

The goal is to practice when you’re triggered by something, 💛 to just take a moment to close your eyes, cover your ears, breathe and feel within yourself what’s going on. Take a moment to see your feelings and thoughts clearly. If it’s possible, see them from a distance so that they’re not fully “ thoughts that are attached to you.” But then, take a moment to invite divine light and ask God to be with you. To give you His LOVE, His STRENGTH, and His PEACE to remove those feelings. Then allow yourself to FEEL THAT AMAZING POWER FLOWING FROM GOD INTO YOUR HEART, MIND AND SOUL. Remember that nothing in the world can compare to that feeling of knowing that something comes directly from God to you. ❤️ & If you’d like to record your feelings or write down any wisdom that God places in your heart. Then, that will be a blessing to you as you go and act in what He tells you. The more willing you are to receiving, the more you’ll gain.

Also, take a moment if you can to acknowledge the things that you honestly know that you use to “numb” your emotional discomfort. Think about what comes up for you. Ask yourself what are some of the things that steal my peace? Think about what you do when you’re angry or stressed. Do you reach for your phone or food or something else when you’re uncomfortable or stressed out? Do those things bring you lasting peace? Or how do they leave you feeling afterwards? These are all questions that we rarely ask ourselves. But it’s important that we get to know ourselves in this life and the WE BECOME OUR OWN BEST FRIEND! OUR OWN BEST CHEERLEADER AND OUR OWN PROTECTOR OF OUR PEACE. When we can notice and recognize what happens internally, we will be better able to PRACTICE inviting more of the good to be with us and it will become easier to reject the negativity and all that is bad for our minds, hearts and souls.

So, take a moment to practice breathing, to check on your emotions and to change them for the better. Give yourself love, compassion and be proud of your ability to look inward without the need of outside sources to allow you to check in with yourself. To feel the emotions, to reach to God who is the true giver of lasting peace and allow Him to help you clear the internal chaos & RETURN TO PEACE OFTEN.💛

Set a goal for yourself this week that you will be your inner peace keeper. Try to allow the quiet moments you have to connect to that higher source of peace and love which comes from God. Ask Him to help you focus on your internal light and peace instead of what the world wants you to focus on. Find strength in your ability to practice this & notice how it will change everything for you and the way in which you view yourself and your ability to retain your peace. As you practice this skill, it will increase your inner power day by day. You’ve got this! The choice is yours.

Remember that God invites each of us to fully place our trust on HIM. He is the prince of peace, who invites our souls to receive true, long lasting and eternal peace.

John 14:27 Says: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”❤️ 

God wants us to rely on Him so that we may not be troubled or afraid. Whatever is troubling you today, Whatever is bringing you fear or frustration….Take a moment to sit with those feelings and if possible view them from a distance. Recognizing each emotion and how it presents in your body. For example; “This is anger, my chest or throat feel tight..etc” “I want to release this emotion and allow myself to come to peace & calm” Invite peace to be with you. Breathe into those areas of stress until fully calm.

Remember also to allow yourself to speak to God as you release those feelings and allow Him to take them from you. He will remove those emotions and replace your thoughts with what a loving God would tell you. Allowing yourself to invite His peace and love to renew you and to recharge your heart and soul is the most amazing therapy that you can give to yourself. So, trust Him. He is the king of peace, the giver of all that is good. The creator of Love and light. There’s nothing greater on this earth than being able to experience the peace that can only come from a loving God. He will strengthen you, help you and lift you every single day and hour of your life. ❤️ I pray that you’ll be able to feel His peace and allow yourself to be the KEEPER AND THE PROTECTOR OF YOUR PEACE.

This is our Spiritual goal this week is: To gain greater inner peace. 💪🏼💛 To be the KEEPER OF OUR PEACE! The PROTECTOR or our peace who doesn’t depend on material things to help us feel better. But instead that we may have the wisdom to know where true peace comes from. To lean on our ability to invite silence and inner peace to this very moment. Saying to ourselves “ I choose this hour to keep my peace centered on a God who sees me, who hears me, who loves me and who wants to help me. I am the protector of my inner peace and I choose light, love and peace to be with me surround me on this day.” ❤️

Our Physical goals is to exercise at least 2-3 times this week and to give our body more water and healthy nutrient rich foods. ❤️

Hope To see you in class tonight at 7pm. Make this promise to yourself to do this for your Body, Mind and Spirit. This will allow you to release stress, strengthen yourself Physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will also practice how to be the keeper of our peace during a peaceful meditation. Hope that you can make it and feel the difference.


Lili 🌸

Be Doers Of The Word & Not Hearers only 💛

Do you ever feel like wanting to do or change something about yourself or your environment but you can’t seem to actually do it? Have you noticed that there are things that we say to ourselves that keep us from taking ACTION toward something that we desire to do or work on?

This is a very natural human thing that we do.

Sometimes we worry about getting out of our comfort zone, we create thoughts of fear or failure, or feel like we lack the confidence in ourselves to accomplish or change those things. We often times have information overload and we don’t know exactly where to begin. There are many reasons as to why we’re unable to act and we just continue to stay where we feel comfortable.

I’m assuming that if you’re reading this message, it’s because you have a desire in your heart, mind and soul, to continue on your journey of becoming a better version of yourself throughout your life. As children of God, we have a desire to rise above the things that want to keep us stagnant or stuck, and instead we want to focus on actually doing what God puts in our hearts, and actually work on that throughout our lives.

This morning I had an experience with this very topic. I noticed that a lot of times I put things off for some of the reasons mentioned above. But today I read James 1:22-25 which says ;

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:

For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

Reading this felt like it was exactly what I needed to hear. I realized that I don’t want to go through life just hearing the words only and not taking the action upon what I hear. It’s interesting how the scripture mentions a person looking at themselves in the mirror and then walking away and forgetting what they look like. Whereas, when we work on ourselves and we actually take the action, this changes who we are. We begin to know ourselves even when we are not in front of the mirror. This teaches us that we can allow the words to change us, and as we put in the action and the practice that it requires we begin to change ourselves, we will be a stronger and better version of ourselves and we will be blessed for that. ❤️

These words invite me to have a have a stronger desire to want to take more action. To practice actually using the words of God to help me become a better version of myself. I want to have the wisdom to recognize the excuses that keep me from ACTING or putting the work necessary in each area of my life that I have a desire to work on or get better at.

I had a thought while I was reading this scripture and it’s that the adversary does not want us to take action toward anything that allows us to better ourselves. He will always distract us. His job is to cover us in fear, doubt, discouragement and dissatisfaction so that we won’t take action upon the things which we know that God would want us to work on. He wants us to be miserable like himself and anytime we allow him to make us miserable and unable to act toward something that is good, positive and from God. Then, that’s how He wins to keep us down and stagnant.

That’s why its so important for us to read the words of God. To ask God to help us recognize the tactics that the enemy uses and to ask God to give us the wisdom and strength to fight against them. For example, when we realize that fear is one of his greatest weapons that he uses against us. We can recognize that he wants us to be afraid of things so that we won’t put the effort or action toward that.

Or when he wants us to be distracted on our phones scrolling on social media, comparing ourselves to others, so that we may compare ourselves to others best lives and feel miserable & even forget about the love that God has for us. He has many tactics including the way he would talk to us about our body…saying that it’s pointless to eat healthier or to try to exercise because it’s just easier to be lazy and eat whatever we want when we want it. Another one of his tactics is to attack our home environment where we don’t get along our families so at the spirit of God won’t be in our home etc…Notice how he acts and how he deceives. Take a moment to recognize how the battle that we face with the enemy is directed at attacking us emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Notice how you can recognize that and remember that you have THE POWER TO CHANGE THAT.

This is when it’s important to remember that you are a child of God and that He has promised that YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU. This is when you need to remind yourself of the type of God that you know. The one who has been with you during the good times and bad. The God who has healed you and helped you and the God who fully knows you and loves you. Remind yourself of His nature, how loving and amazing He is. & know and trust that He will help you through this.

Invite God to be with you so that you won’t just be a hearer of the words only, but that you will take ACTION and BE A DOER. God encourages us to invite the spirit of God to be with us through prayer, scripture study, living righteously, serving and loving others. Remembering that all that is good comes from God. & all that invites us to be better and to rise above evil or negativity is what leads us to higher and holier experiences. We have to understand that we have to put our action to the test and put in the work, so that we may experience God more fully in our lives.

God has also made a promise to us in James 1:5 which says; “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.”

God is promising that if we need wisdom, he will provide that for us in abundance. He won’t withhold anything from us as long as we ask him faith, believing in Him. So, remember that God is ready and willing to give you the guidance that you need. Even if it’s just guidance for today or just for this hour. He is ready and willing to give it to you. So, this is your chance! Let His WORDS become your ACTIONS. Ask Him and He will show you that He’s there. This is how we can overcome our obstacles, one day at a time. Little by little, asking in faith and believing that Jesus Christ will help us through it all.

I invite you to pray and ask God for guidance that you may have the strength of Christ to be with you. To be able to take action towards that next step or goal that you have as a believer of Christ. He will bless you, He will guide you, He won’t leave you comfortless, and you will have His blessing as you do your best to move past the tactics of the enemy and more into inviting the good gifts of God. (Love, peace, light, patience, compassion, trust, endurance, perseverance, strength, power and so many more) Remember that you can do ALL things (including hard things) through Christ, who strengthens you. 💖

Focus on Him to be the help that you need in your daily tasks. Include Him in the planning of your day and allow Him to whisper to your heart and mind what it is exactly that you should be focusing on this specific day .

Prayerfully be intentional in you actions. For example work on the attributes that Christ taught by practicing more patience, love, forgiveness. Create list of manageable tasks, set goals and prioritize your time to accomplish them. Eliminate distractions, have accountability or necessary or reward yourself for the things that you accomplish. & most importantly, remember to stay positive and focused on the good and on all of your blessings.

Remember that God is rooting for YOU and wants the best for each one of us. He wants us to remember to give ourselves grace. Not everything has to happen at this very moment. We have to be PATIENT WITH OURSELVES and remember that each day has its challenges and we can only control what happens one day at a time. Our good work will always be recognized and we will be blessed for what we do.

So, allow yourself for a moment to close your eyes and say a little prayer and ask God to give you His wisdom and help you know what to focus on next. Or what is the next best thing that you can do during this hour that can help you better yourself and allow you to become more stable and more aligned to your divine creator, physically mentally spiritually emotionally, socially or anything else that you may feel inspired to work on.

Trust that the inspiration you gain comes from God. Trust that you will be able to take action without fear. But instead fully trusting in yourself

and in God. Work on keeping your mind and yourself positive, peaceful and doing your best. 🫶🏼

Our goal for this week is to TAKE ACTION on a goal or a Christlike attribute that that you want to work on. 💪🏼 Remember that it’s the action and the practice that makes the difference. So, let’s take action and notice the difference and the blessings that come from that. & speaking of action, we can also take action tonight, to show up to class. 🙂 To be there to do something good for ourselves. To let go of stress, have a moment to dance/exercise and meditate on the power that you have to choose the actions that are best for your wellbeing. This class will allow us to feel centered, peaceful and focused on the divine light that surrounds us to help us better ourselves one day at a time. Love you all! See you at 7pm & Let’s do this!



Elevate Your Thoughts. Elevate Your Life. 💖

I’ve been thinking a lot about how we sometimes get stuck in having the same thoughts and the same patterns on how we do things over and over. We seem to hold on to stories, grudges and pains for years and years.

We don’t question things, we just believe the thoughts that we have created about our situations and we continue to hold on to pain, dissatisfaction, disappointments, judgments etc. Unfortunately, we continue to choose to carry the pain, hurt and negative thoughts and feelings throughout our days and years.

Many of us experience different challenges and circumstances. Maybe we have physical struggles, financial challenges, the loss of loved ones, stress, relationships, marriages or people that are difficult, we can struggle with addictions or negative self talk etc…These are some examples of circumstances that we may experience throughout our lives. We may have unmet goals and dreams that haven’t happened yet or that maybe never happened. But WHY DO WE CHOOSE TO HOLD ON TO THE PAINFUL THOUGHTS?

We seem to want to wait for our “Golden Ticket” because we think that it will make us happy when we have _______. But we forget that happiness is a choice and we can choose to be happy today, even in this very moment. There’s no need to wait for the ideal life, situation or relationship to be perfect for us to feel at peace. The truth is that we will never have things working just the way we want in all of the areas of our lives. We need to be able to adapt to whatever is happening and to RISE ABOVE OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.

Take a moment to think about some of the negative stories you have told yourself over the years. Question those thoughts for a minute to see if these stories or thoughts have been helpful to you in any way at all.

I believe that most of us can recognize that those negative thoughts and stories have not been fun to carry for days, months or years. So, what are some things that we can do to overcome and rewire our thoughts a little better to be a little bit more elevated and to rise above the circumstances that we have had to experience.

As you read this, I invite you to create a stronger desire in your heart, mind and soul to ELEVATE your thoughts to a higher level. One that is more connected to your soul and to your divine creator who is the Father of your soul.

Think for a moment about what God would tell you if you shared these thoughts with him? I believe that the first thing He would tell you is that HE LOVES YOU!!! ❤️ He sees you & loves your efforts in all that you do to try to become a better version of yourself. He would tell you to not be fearful but to only BELIEVE IN HIM TO HELP YOU OVERCOME THESE THOUGHTS & FEELINGS. He would remind you that you CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU. & with His help and your desire to LET GO of the negativity that sneaks into your life, you will be better able to overcome this one day at a time.

Praying and asking God to help us overcome these negative thoughts, allows us to turn our attention away from ourselves and to allow divine healing to come into our minds and hearts . Handing things over to God is the biggest thing that we can do for ourselves. so practice daily prayer and share your thoughts with your creator who is ready to help you overcome any negativity in your life .

We can also take advantage to create opportunities for us to slow down our minds, by breathing deeply, closing our eyes, and allowing ourselves to relax . We can invite peace to surround us and to cover us. Even to the point that we choose to hold onto peace rather than negativity. When we can remind ourselves that we get to choose between negativity or peace. We can CHOOSE to hold onto peace. That is an amazing gift that we give to ourselves and that allows us to elevate ourselves to a better and higher place.

We can also create an opportunities to be mindful and present in this moment. Allowing ourselves to enjoy what we see, what we hear, what we smell, taste or touch. Bringing our attention to the present often helps us to CLEAR our minds of the thoughts. Practicing this allows us to be more present, centered and connected to divine wisdom that can help and inspire us. Allowing for a moment of breathing and quietness also might inspiration to flow into our minds as to ways in which God can inspire us to overcome whatever we may be going through at the time.

We can then take a moment to journal our thoughts and write down the inspiration that comes. This will also help us to process our emotions better. Journaling can help us gain new insights and allow us to know ourselves better and to be able to recognize what are some of the things that we can let go of or work on.

Next, is Physical Activity. Exercise has been proven to help us improve our mood and thoughts. Notice how much happier you feel after exercising. This is all fuel for our brain and thoughts as well. So, choose a daily activity that you can do and notice how much happier you feel.

Another important practice to help our thoughts is daily GRATITUDE. The moment you start comparing yourself to others, choose to be grateful for what you have instead. Turn your attention away from comparison and start counting as many blessings as you can. Gratitude is a powerful tool to overcome negative thoughts.

If some of your negative thoughts have to do with the way that you speak about yourself . Then, try practicing a few Positive Affirmations per day. Choose to fight that negative self talk with positive words and affirmations that can help shift our mindset. Even if you don’t believe the affirmation that you’re saying about yourself, just continue practicing it until your brain understands understand that you want to be more positive about the way that you speak to yourself .

And if you can say those affirmations aloud, then that’s even better! It may seem weird to talk to ourselves aloud 🤷🏻‍♀️ haha but when we’re trying to rewire new pathways in our brain, we need to be intentional about the way that we speak to ourselves.

Remember to be compassionate, loving, forgiving and kind to yourself. ❤️ Think about how you would speak to a friend if they shared those negative thoughts with yo, or think about how you would speak to yourself, if that thought inside you came from “little 4 year old you” practice that level of kindness when you’re speaking to yourself. Choose to regularly remind yourself of your strengths, positive qualities, to believe in yourself and in the love that God has for you and the love that you want to have for yourself.

Another important aspect of our thoughts is our relationships with others and how we can experience difficult relationships throughout our lives. One of the best ways for us to elevate ourselves in this area is to make a conscious effort to genuinely want to forgive and let go of the past. Reminding ourselves that it is a gift for US when we let go of the pain that we have held onto for years.

People may hurt us or not necessarily be the way “I would like” But we can also choose to be grateful for those people and those opportunities that we encounter. They’re definitely not fun situations but we can choose to view them differently. As a way to teach and polish us & to be better. These are opportunities for us to learn HOW WE WANT TO REACT TO OUR SITUATIONS.

Like my friend told me one time, “the pearl doesn’t become the pearl without the irritation that the sand creates inside it” So, take the opportunities and difficulties and allow yourself to become the pearl. Learning form the (irritating) situations that come into your life and elevating your thoughts to no longer want things to be “eye for an eye” but to rise to a higher level where you no longer have bad feelings toward those who “hurt us or don’t act the way we would want” but instead you’re able to cleanse your heart, let go, burry the past and reach a more Christlike level where we feel TRUE CHRISTLIKE LOVE FOR ALL OF HIS CHILDREN. Regardless of what they do or not do. So, choose to elevate yourself to a new level of forgiveness. Letting go and choosing love instead. Burry the pain, the disappointments, judgements or dissatisfactions and CHOOSE CHRISTLIKE LOVE INSTEAD.

Think about what God would tell you about those thoughts or negative people or situations. Really, see it in your mind as you let go and burry the pains of negative thoughts and self talk that you’ve created or carried throughout the years. Allow yourself to see yourself in the presence of your creator, giving him all of your pain, your grudges, and all of your negative self talk. And instead, allow yourself to feel the peace of having a Savior who takes IT ALL FROM YOU. Where you truly feel that you can let go of it all and instead be completely covered in Gods love and peace.

The purpose of this message is for us to choose to ELEVATE ourselves to a higher level. Our whole reason for being here on this earth is to PREPARE TO MEET GOD. That day will come sooner or later, and each day that passes just means we’re getting closer to that day. So, why not try to rise above the things that bring negativity into our lives. Why not let go of the competitiveness, comparison and negativity of this world. Why not let go of the distractions a little more and elevate ourselves spiritually, physically and mentally instead. Why not choose to focus on bringing in all of the positive and peaceful energy into our lives. To focus more and MORE ON JOY & GRATITUDE. To give MORE LOVE. To spend more of our energy and thoughts in nature, hobbies, making memories with family and loved ones and finding opportunities to serve and help others. 🫶🏼

So, here’s the reason why we practice meditation every Thursday night in class. Is to help us train our minds to slow down more often. So that when the negative thoughts arise, we know some of the things that we can do to help us calm down, relax, and bring our attention to the present moment. The more that we practice quieting our minds, feeling gratitude, breathing, replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations and inviting more love and peace into our lives. The more we practice, the better we will be able to handle the difficult situations that arise. & we will be better able to acknowledge and recognize the thoughts that don’t serve us.

So, choose to ELEVATE YOURSELF TODAY IN MIND, BODY, & SPIRIT. Choose a higher level of viewing the world around you and your circumstances. It is all in within you. You are surrounded by divine light and the divine light is not only around you but within you. There is so much untapped divine light within us that we need to try to awaken more of that 💛 within ourselves. So that we may flow in more peace, gratitude and love each day and truly have a strong desire to be humbly elevated in Gods way so that we mash choose better thoughts, words, and actions.

Choose a goal for yourself this week on an area or two that you want to Elevate and please know that I’m here for you if you want to text me and tell me your experience. 🥹🫶🏼 Love you all and I hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7 PM to not only do something amazing for your body but also learn how to calm your mind and leave feeling uplifted and stronger mentally, physically and spiritually.




Higher Joy 💖

This week I’ve been thinking a lot about joy. I’ve been trying to notice the things that bring me joy, and the things that steal my joy.

It’s crazy how when you focus on something you start to see it everywhere. Like when there’s something you want to buy and you see it all over the place. Or when your phone shows you adds for something you didn’t even think your phone knew that you wanted? …That’s just scary, right? Haha but you know what I’m saying. It’s like the entire “universe” knows what you’re looking for.

Basically, the more that we focus on something, the more we invite it into our lives and the more open we are to seeing it pop up everywhere until we eventually get it.

This has been my experience with joy this week. I’ve been trying to look for it. Where do I find joy? Where do I loose it? How can I keep it? Etc…& it’s been amazing how God has shown me joy this week in so many ways.

There’s a scripture that says; Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have JOY. 💛 (2 Nephi 2:26)

God created us to have joy. Why is that something that we often forget about? inviting more joy into our lives? God created all of this that surrounds us to cover us in Joy daily. Just look outside for a moment and try to see if you feel Joy looking at nature. 🫶🏼 It’s amazing how many reminders of joy He has covering us daily. He also created our families that we may have joy and our posterity and in our unity as families. And He gave us a Savior to guide us back to the Father. A savior who is filled with Joy. His entire plan for us on earth is based on us experiencing and finding Joy. It’s just that we forget to see it and recognize it.

But just as God created us to have Joy. He also allows us the amazing opportunity to CHOOSE FOR OURSELVES. We get to CHOOSE what we want to think about, focus on, and invite into our lives. So, do we “WANT TO INVITE MORE JOY into our lives? Are we willing to LOOK FOR JOY more intently?

If this is your goal, then you can PRACTICE that this very moment. Try to take a moment to just breathe and to find joy right here and right now. Regardless of what is going on around you. Recognize that even in the hardest moments of your life, you can re-focus your joy not on your circumstances but place your joy directly on the Savior, Jesus Christ, and on everything that God provides for you.

Gratitude and Joy are connected. So, being grateful in this very moment can bring you joy. Notice how Joy really isn’t really connected to possessions, power, accomplishments etc. We have a misconception that if we have more we’ll be happier, but that’s not true. Maybe we’ll have more “COMFORTS.” But true happiness and joy goes deeper than that. That’s why the richest people in the world can be extremely miserable and the poorest people in the world can be extremely joyful.

Joy is a state of mind. It’s a practice. We have to want to see it, and invite it regardless of what we have or not have. Our joy has to be attached to our creator. Not to what we have or not have. Our joy in the ups and downs of life should be attached to our Savior Jesus Christ and the God who gives a LASTING JOY in abundance. There’s nothing better than connecting to this DIVINE JOY.

So, how can you invite more of that divine joy to be in your daily life? Besides, slowing down our thoughts and expressing gratitude for what we have today, we can take some time to pray and speak to God with a sincere heart, having a true desire to listen to him and making time to read his words and learn of Him.

Joy can also be with us as we meditate or give service to others. & by service, that can mean GIVING JOY TO OTHERS. Did you know that giving joy to others is one of the most powerful things we can do for a person? And one of the things that can increase our joy the most?

Take a moment to think about how you are around your family or those closest to you. Do you try to bring them joy? Or is it the opposite? As we take a moment to recognize and be aware of what we want to work on or change, we show God that we’re willing to try harder and do better. We want to be polished by Him, so that He may help us reach a higher and more joyful way of living. We have to be intentional. We have to want to try and practice Joy, love and peace daily. Just one hour at a time.

God has taught us that “When you are in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God,” & Don’t forget that God will repay your kindness generously.💖

Besides the time that we can spend with God, the moments that we spend in nature, the gratitude that we express to our creator, and the service we provide. We can also invite Joy by recognizing that we only have THIS DAY to focus on joy. We don’t have to do everything today. We don’t have run faster than we have strength. It’s ok to let go of some things and MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY TOO!

Sometimes many of us who are moms completely lose ourselves in the daily tasks, in the running around and the responsibilities that we completely forget about ourselves. 🥺 We forget about the things that brought us joy or that can bring us joy. We put ourselves last and we don’t take the time to take care of our bodies, minds and spirits. We don’t even make time to socialize with friends, try to learn new things or give ourselves the little TLC that we need.

So, remember that you are way more important than your responsibilities, tasks, or the things to clean and to do. Prioritize yourself a little bit more and try to give yourself way more love than you have been giving yourself. Do something good for your body, your mind and your spirit daily. Set new goals for yourself and work toward them. Always remembering that true joy is found when you recognize the type of God that you have in your life and how willing He is to help you, to comfort you and to support you each hour and each day of your life.

I invite you to look for joy in this very moment and to focus on joy one day at a time. Remembering that even during the hardest times your joy can be centered and focused on Christ. He will provide for you and help you one day at a time.

I hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm to do something amazing for your body mind and spirit and to give yourself the priority that you need today. We will feel joyful in our time that we have together and we will feel joy in what we get to do for our bodies and practice inviting even more divine joy during our meditation. Hope that you can make it and invite others to benefit as well. ❤️



Dealing With Difficult People 🤍

Encountering difficult people is an inevitable part of life. Whether in professional settings, family dynamics, or social interactions, we often face individuals whose behavior tests our patience and peace. It’s part of our life journey to encounter people who are different from us, or in some cases “difficult.” But, we have to understand that just because someone “isn’t the way I want them to be,” that doesn’t mean that I have to label that person as difficult.

The truth is that we are all living and experiencing our lives based on what we’ve had to encounter and go through in life. We each have our own glasses of the way in which we view the world. We don’t know how much pain others are experiencing. How much their “paradigm glasses” have had to endure or how much pain they’re dealing with today. On the other hand, we ourselves have our own pain that we oftentimes carry, and we end up being triggered by people or our own thoughts therefore reacting based on “ what feels right to us.”

When we can understand that we all react and are triggered by different pain, experiences and expectations that “we believe are right for us” We forget to have compassion for ourselves and others. We forget to create a space to realize that often times the reactions of others come from the inner turmoil and pain that they or we may be experiencing. So, we must be humble and willing to acknowledge that we don’t know what anyone is truly experiencing and we must PRACTICE having a little more compassion for ourselves and others.

As we go through life we must try to gain more wisdom, inspiration and the tools that can help us to handle these challenging relationships gracefully. Here are some ideas that can help us to navigate interactions with “difficult people” or people who are “not my way.”

1. Embrace self awareness, inner peace & connect with your inner self. One of the most important tools that we have is the importance of the understanding of the self as a soul. Recognizing yourself as a soul or a being of peace, purity, and power, helps us to maintain inner stability. The world often tries to get us to forget the importance of our soul. But, as you are reminded that you have divine nature as a child of God. This will provide you with a foundation for treating yourself and others with respect and love. Take a moment to feel your connection with your Father in Heaven, your loving creator. Feel what thoughts come to you & notice the difference.

2. See beyond behavior: Every individual has a unique spiritual journey. Difficult behaviors often stem from inner pain or unresolved issues. Viewing others as souls on their path allows you to respond with empathy rather than irritation. We can remind ourselves that we all have our journey and that our Father in Heaven is very aware of each one of us on each individuals journey. There’s no need to compete or compare ourselves to others when we realize that our life journey is individualized. Made so that we each experience the ups and downs that will help us to reach the divine potential that God has for EACH ONE OF US. We can instead choose to see others as brothers and sisters. Having a desire to help them on their journey and to be a light to ourselves and others as we choose to and exercise charity, which is the pure love of Christ. That type of live changes the energies of people and as we practice it, it changes us too. 🙂

3. Regular meditation or moments to be introspective, calm our thoughts and slow down our breathing will strengthen our connection with our true self and the supreme and divine light of God. This practice cultivates inner peace and resilience, making it easier to remain calm during challenging interactions. We can instead CHOOSE TO PRACTICE inviting the light more into the situations that we encounter. 🫶🏼

4. Engage in Personal Prayer and Scripture Study: Personal prayer and scripture study are essential for maintaining spiritual strength and guidance. Turning to prayer for divine assistance in dealing with difficult people can provide comfort and direction. Sometimes in my prayer I ask God to help me heal my feelings toward the difficult people and situations in my life. I ask Him to cover that person or those situations with His light. & I try to fully see it in my mind being filled with His light and me knowing how to reach to that person or situation because on what God allows me to see during my time of prayer. The Scriptures or the word of God is also so important. It teaches us how to be better and RISE ABOVE the drama of the world. The word of God offers stories and counsel that can inspire patience and understanding.

5. Use Positive Affirmations:Positive affirmations is one of those things that we forget to use so often. But, practicing and rehearsing affirmations can be so healing for us. They can help reshape your mindset and responses. Repeating affirmations such as “I am a peaceful soul,” “I bless my relationship with the divine light of Christ” or “I choose love and understanding,” reinforces positive reactions to difficult situations. This is a type of mental workout or mental conditioning that helps us to foster a calm, positive and uplifting attitude.

Sometimes we encounter people who are extremely negative and it can feel challenging or very difficult to be around them. Often times we can work on ourselves being a positive energy for these people. We can practice having a more peaceful attitude toward them and being more Compassionate. Sometimes practicing that can help to dissipate those negative energies and allow them to be recharged from our positive energy. But often times that’s not the case, & our energy feels that strong negativity and we can take a moment to recognize that, take a step back and detach with love.

5. Detachment with love, means that we may need to maintain emotional distance without becoming indifferent. It means caring for others without getting entangled in their negativity. We can still be in their presence. We just detach from the emotionally draining energy. Still keeping our peace and the ability to CHOOSE how we feel. We can also choose to detach the negative thoughts that we have toward others. Sometimes we hold on to negative thoughts about people and we should try to question why we think that way and if we can detach those thoughts or let go of them in some way. The more that we let go of negative thoughts ourselves the better we will feel in our lives. We can send positive energy and love to those people, while also setting appropriate boundaries to protect our spiritual and emotional well-being. We just have to do what we’re willing to exercise and practice to better ourselves at these skills.

6. Another important concept for dealing with difficult people is allowing ourselves to Forgive and Release. Remembering that holding onto anger and resentment only harms me. 🙁 Forgiveness, a vital part of life. Forgiveness liberates us from past grievances and allows for emotional healing. Forgiveness is another beautiful Christlike attribute that frees us from the burdens or the pain of resentment and instead it opens the way for peace and reconciliation, which we all need, right?🫶🏼

7. Creating a peaceful space. Our environment significantly influences our state of mind. Creating a space where our surroundings promote peace and calm is so important. We can create simple changes like incorporating soft lighting, soothing colors, and peaceful music that can help create a sanctuary in our homes, cars or where we are as much as possible. Our environment and what we choose to listen to and watch can affect how we reach to people as well. Notice how you feel with what you watch and listen to. Creating a peaceful environment will mitigates the stress of difficult encounters. We can create a Christ-centered home, where the spirit of God can dwell and provide peace to our mind and soul.

8. & Last but not least, Radiate Positive Energy: Remember that our thoughts and vibrations impact those around us. Consciously emitting positive energy by maintaining thoughts of love, peace, and compassion. This subtle influence can transform the atmosphere and improve the behavior of difficult individuals. Remember that you get to choose if you want to be a light to others. We can do that by thinking good things, inviting peace and love to be with us in this relationship, to allow ourselves to feel connected to God and to share that love and peace that Christ provides us to be with us through our actions and even our very presence.

In life, we will all deal with difficult people. I fully believe that it’s part of the test of spiritual resilience and inner strength. I believe that someday God will ask us how we learned to handle these difficult people in our lives. He may ask us if we learned to love our enemies and do good to them that curse us and despitefully use us. That is the higher law of God. To reach a point where we know in whom we trust and where we stand with God that we can choose to RISE ABOVE the negativity and instead be more aligned to divine light that doesn’t just react. But instead, it’s compassionate, peaceful, loving, forgiving, self-aware, prayerful, and filled with light enough to positively influence those around us.

Remember, each interaction is an opportunity for spiritual growth. With the right approach, even the most challenging relationships can become sources of harmony and understanding. So, today, remind yourself “ I am a peaceful being” “the light that is in my influences and changes the negative energies around me” “Gods light has more power than the darkness that tries to come at me. My light is divine, I invite peace, love and light to be with me and in all of my encounters and relationships” The more that we consciously try to remind ourselves of our inner light, our alignment and whom we trust to help us through this. The better we will be able to overcome the “difficult people in our lives.”

Love you all and I hope that you can feel yourself re-charged with new insights on how to accept our differences and also be more Compassionate, kind and loving with yourself and others. Gods light will cover you, your relationships and your surroundings as YOU INVITE THAT LIGHT TO BE WOTH YOU AND ALLOW IT TO FILL YOUR MIND, HEART AND SOUL. ❤️

Hope to see you tonight in class at 7pm for an amazing opportunity to move your body and to have a wonderful meditation that will renew you, recharge you and leave you feeling amazing!!! ❤️🤗🙏🏼

Rest For Our Soul 🤍

As we experience the challenges, difficulties and heaviness of the world around us, we realize that we really do have a choice.

We can either choose to allow more negativity to enter our minds and hearts, we can continue listening and believing the many voices of the world. Or instead, we can choose to have a moment to take some deep breaths, be more present in this very moment, slow down a little, focus on what we can control and most importantly TRUST IN GOD more than men or anything else in the world. ❤️

God has given us promises and tools to bring us inner peace and to truly bring rest to our souls. But the question is; Do we genuinely show God that we believe Him? & How willing are we to look within ourselves and to look toward God for inner peace and rest from the burdens we may be carrying?

Mathew 11:28-30 Says;

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest into your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

God wants you to come to Him. He invites YOU! & guess what? you get to CHOOSE for yourself. He tells us that we can learn of Him, we can know Him better. & by doing so, we will learn that He is a GOOD GOD. A God who is never blind to our tears, who knows our individual pain and all of the difficulties we’re each going through. He is never deaf to our prayers and is always right there ready to comfort us in the way that we personally need it. So, please remember today that He Hears YOU! He sees You! He knows you and loves you more than you’ll ever know. 

We all know that life is short and temporary. Each day really is a gift and a new opportunity that God gives us to do better. Do we want to be constantly triggered by all that is going on in the world around us?… Or do we want to gain more inner stability, peace and strength in God? He is ready to provide it to any who SEEK HIM. The more that we’re able to align ourselves to Him the less fear we will have in the world and the better we will be able to make choices and handle the difficult situations that may come into our lives.

With God we can do all things and with Him we are able to become STRONGER, more PEACEFUL AND STABLE. We all know that our world needs a little more of that. As our minds and hearts are more peaceful and stable we can be a light in the lives of our families, loved ones and the world around us.

Today I invite you come to God more fully. Take a moment to pray sincerely and to talk to your creator. Be willing to give him your heart, turn over your thoughts to Him and allow yourself to invite more gratitude, peace, joy and all that is good that comes from God to be with you at this very moment. Don’t let yourself spiral down with thoughts that Hod wouldn’t want you think. Instead think about what He would tell you. Rejoice in your blessings and He will bring you the rest and peace that your soul needs.

Don’t forget that He’s got you! & HE ALWAYS WILL. & You’ve got this! Because you trust in a loving God to take care of you daily. Come to Him & you will receive peace and rest. Focus on the light, love, peace and all the good that you find in TODAY and feel the difference. Where you choose to put your focus daily really does matter. ❤️

Hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7:00pm to continue on your journey of strengthening your Body, Mind and Spirit. This is a little therapy for all of us. 🥰 So, make it happen for yourself and see the benefits from it.


Lili 🌸

Divine Worth 💖

The world is constantly attacking our worth. We are constantly led to believe that we’re not good enough, not beautiful enough, or that we haven’t accomplished enough etc.

Have you noticed that we are constantly pushed to seek validation from external sources? We feel that we are worth more if we have “more” than others, if we get a certain number of likes on social media, if we feel prettier that someone else or if we gain popularity or recognition in some kind of way. The world has fully set us up to want to “compete” or feel above others. Unfortunately we fall in that trap often and we forget that we’re not here to compete with anyone else. We know that comparison is the thief of Joy & that comparison, is what leads to dissatisfaction and that diminishes our knowledge of our divine worth….Ultimately, Isn’t that the goal of the enemy?

There’s a scripture in 2 Timothy 3: 1-4 which describes the world we’re living in right now.

It says; “..In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

I pray that we will be able to be more lovers of God than lovers of pleasures or of the vain things of this world. Loving God is a truth that will change us completely. When we love Him and draw closer to Him we try to be more like Him and we begin to connect to that deeper knowledge of who we are as children of God.

This is a powerful truth that can transform our lives: the profound love and potential that resides within each one of us, is given to us by a loving Creator.

As children of a divine and loving God, we are filled with His light, peace and love. We can recognize that we have infinite worth and potential within us. His love for us is unconditional, unwavering, and ever-present, reminding us that we are of eternal worth & we are never alone on our journey of finding our worth and giving ourselves the love that we need.

I want to share a few ways that can help us align ourselves with God’s love and help us embrace our divine potential:

1. Connect with God through prayer: As we take time each day to commune with God through heartfelt prayer. We can share our Joys, struggles and aspirations with Him. knowing that He listens with boundless love and understanding. This will allow us to direct our focus to Him and to listen to our creator instead of trying to listen to the world.

2. Seek His guidance: In moments of uncertainty or self doubt, we can choose to turn to God for wisdom and guidance. Trusting that He has a unique plan for our own life, and that every experience, whether joyful or challenging, serves a purpose in our journey.

3. Recognize our divine worth: Remind yourself by saying “I am a beloved child of God, created in His image. As His child, I’m filled with divine light, love and peace to help me through today.” We can choose to embrace our worthiness and inherent goodness, knowing that we are precious and valuable in His eyes.

4. Embody Christlike Love: We can choose to Follow the example of Jesus Christ in extending love, compassion, and forgiveness—not only to others but also to ourselves. Letting His teachings guide us in nurturing a kind and loving relationship with ourselves.

5. Tap into Your Gifts and Talents: God has blessed each one of us with unique gifts, talents, and strengths. We can explore and develop these gifts, using them to uplift others and fulfill our divine purpose. As we share and allow our talents to grow and to glorify God we will see that our love for ourselves and for God will increase. Saying to ourselves daily “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens ME!”

6. Trust in His Timing: Trusting that God’s timing is perfect. Will allow us to be patient with ourselves on our journey of self-love, knowing that He is always working in our lives, guiding us toward growth and fulfillment.

7. Embrace Your Divine Potential: Remind yourself by saying “I am capable of greatness beyond measure. I Believe in myself, I trust in God’s plan for me, and I embrace the limitless potential that lies within my heart and soul.”

8. & last but not least, embrace gratitude: expressing gratitude to God for the body that we have, the ability to breathe and to move. Acknowledging the gift of this body and having a desire to take care of it is one of the ways in which we honor God and ourselves. & recognizing our blessings and counting them daily will also allow us to recognize how blessed we are and how much God loves us.

I hope that these words will help you to remember your worth. I believe that before we came to this earth, we were CONFIDENT of our worth. It is part of the test of life, for us to come closer to God and to realize the worth that we’ve always had and will continue to have for Eternity. Remember, that we are eternal beings having a mortal experience. We do not need to let the world get to us because we know in whom we have placed our trust.

As we choose to embrace of God’s love and the realization of our divine potential, we find the courage, strength, and inspiration to love ourselves more fully and authentically. I hope that you can feel that love for yourself today and each day.

Our spiritual goal is to remind ourselves of our worth daily! Not allowing that negative talk or comparison to get in the way. But instead, aligning ourselves to God and to making the best choices to care for our AMAZING body, mind and spirit. All that we do can be done to glorify God. 🫶🏼

Love you all and hope that you can make it to class tonight at 7pm to do something amazing for our body, mind and spirit. 🥰❤️🙏🏼



One Day At A Time 💝

Sometimes we rush through our days having so many distractions and responsibilities that we forget to slow down a little and enjoy just being in the moment.

Sadly, most of our thoughts end up stuck in the future or the past and by the time we know it, the day is gone and we’ve been focused on “future or past thinking”. Sometimes it feels like we’re on autopilot so much that we forget to have moments of being fully being present and engaged in each activity and each moment.

Slowing down and re-focusing our attention on the present moment takes practice. It’s not just a nice thought to have. It actually requires us to choose to practice each moment being fully there and fully present. 

I believe that God created Day and night for a reason. Night time is our reminder to slow down, to rest, sleep and renew our minds and our bodies. A time for us to turn off the constant chatter of our thoughts, the stress and the distractions of our day and to allow ourselves to rest and recover.

I also believe that God our Father wants us to focus on taking in that sunrise as a way of seeing a new day as a new opportunity for us to choose that renewal for ourselves. A new opportunity to be more present and focused on today. ☀️

God doesn’t want us to run faster than we have strength, or to let our minds constantly dictate what we should think and do. We have the power each day and each moment to CHOOSE how to show up in this very moment. To check our thoughts and see if they’re helpful and useful for us. God wants us to choose to do those things that can invite light into our souls, peace to our minds, greater love to our hearts and health to our bodies.

He wants us to focus on taking things ONE DAY AT A TIME. The more that we’re able to enjoy the DAILY BLESSINGS, the “daily Bread” that God gives us & the daily energy and mercy that we’re able to receive from Him, the happier and more peaceful our days and lives will be.

One of the best ways to practice being present is to focus on our senses or 5,4,3,2,1. What do we see, name and notice the 5 things you see. 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 that you can smell and 1 thing to taste and focus on each sense. We practice this in class almost every week to help us bring our attention to the present. Creating opportunities to live present and to the fullest in this very moment.

The truth is that none of us know when our time on this earth will end. I recently had an uncle who suffered a heart attack 🙁 & its situations like that, which put life into perspective. None of us know what’s going to happen. So, trying to live each hour in the best way we can and being the most present is the best gift we can give to ourselves & to those around us. We can choose to enjoy the breath we have at the moment we have it & to find gratitude in each day and hour is a huge gift that we can give to ourselves & to God.

So, let’s practice making a conscious effort to enjoy each day, to give service, help others and most importantly to choose how to react to our thoughts. We can allow ourselves to feel our feelings and also choose to invite peace in that very moment to flow into our minds, body and spirit. Just remember that what we focus on really matters. So, invite the light and glorify Gro in your thoughts, words and actions of this day.

Something else that helps is focusing our minds on scriptures or positive affirmations that can lift our focus. For example saying to ourselves.

“I am a daughter of God, divine light is within me and around me. I am aligned and supported by my Father in Heaven and All is well.”

“I am clear, focused and efficient in my work today.”

“I am peaceful, joyful and patient with my kids and friends.”

“I flow through the day with the spirit, ease and grace.”

“I listen for guidance and follow my inner voice.”

“I have all the time I need for all I need to do.”

These are some of the examples of affirmations that help me. Having affirmations and scriptures that help us is so important for us to be able to take it one day at a time and really be able to enjoy our life. God has counseled us to take it one day at a time. So, let’s try to remember what He has counseled us to do.

Mathew 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take Thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

He wants us to remember to not worry about tomorrow. The things of tomorrow will work out the way they’re meant to and according to His will. He doesn’t want us to be so focused about Tomorrow, or what is ahead. instead He wants us to think about what we can do today. What challenges we have to overcome and to focus our energy on the present moment which is really the ONLY moment we can control. 

So, I invite you to Trust in God and trust in His love. Trust that He will provide for you in His way and in His timing. Let go of those feelings of stress, anxiety and fear. Instead, trust in the being who created the universe and who knows the end from the beginning. The one who KNOWS YOU! LOVES YOU & has His own perfect plan for your life, for what you’re meant to go through, overcome and rejoice in…It’s all in HIS HANDS & HE LOVES YOU!!! ❤️ So, choose to live this day in Joy and feeling blessed.

Remember to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Enjoy the blessings, the little moments and you will feel amazing in knowing that you’re enjoying your most precious DAILY blessings. Even if it’s something hard that you’re going through, try to invite God to help you and to be with you in this moment. Focus on inviting peace, motivation, light, love or whatever your soul needs to get through each moment of just TODAY.

Feel the love and the blessing of having people around you who love and care for you. Count your blessings and TRUST IN YOURSELF AND IN GOD. He will bless you and take care of you. He will help you to know what to focus on one hour at a time as you seek for His divine guidance and as you allow yourself to be present. & As you do your best, let go of the rest for now, He’ll take care of the rest. And you’ll be able to do it tomorrow. 

So, remember to be in this very moment. Breathe, bring yourself the peace and the love of God that surrounds all living things & Prioritize your hour. Just be in this very moment. Focus on today, on this hour & do your best.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Our Spiritual goal for the week is to focus on taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Slow down a little and rejoice. 🙂 Find joy in your day. A life with joy is a life well lived. So, let’s focus on joy. Let’s practice being present and strengthening our relationship with God TODAY 😉 so that He may give us the daily wisdom that we need to know where to focus our energy, thoughts and actions. 

Our Physical goal for the week is to move our bodies and to drink more water. Also, let’s try to eat foods rich in vitamins and nutrition. The more we’re able to help our bodies the better we will also feel mentally and spiritually. It’s all connected 😉 

ClASS IS TONIGHT AT 7:00pm!!! Make that choice for yourself today, to take care of YOU! 🫶🏼 & to do this for your Body, your Mind and your Spirit. You’ll be so proud of yourself and you’ll leave feeling stronger, peaceful, joyful, relaxed and renewed in every way. 💖

Love you all & hope that you can make it and gain what you’re meant to from class and from this message. Remember to choose to do the best that you can for yourself today. Be present from one moment to the next and feel the difference. Tonight we’ll meditate together and strengthen ourselves together. Can’t wait to see you guys there!! 🥰💖🤗


Lili 🌸