
This week of thanksgiving we can focus on how blessed we have been during this year and how blessed we are now for all that we have and all that we constantly receive. Sometimes we even miss the small blessings and there are so many things that we take for granted.
Thinking about our last email, my thoughts of gratitude have increased during this week. not only for ALL that I have…but also because I’m so thankful to live in this Country where there is freedom, security, a love of God, and for the most part peace compared to the rest of the world…<3 Where we can love and respect each others differences and where people are willing to give, help and serve. I love this country so much! I can say that, because I was born and raised in a country where things were a lot different than they are here…Living here is a huge blessing to me and it has changed my life completely!!!  I thank God for allowing me to be here & to LOVE this country! <3
Like me, you may all feel the same way…knowing that there is so much to be thankful for…the fact that we have THIS day, our health, to be alive TODAY, to have nature around us, family, friends, teachers, a home, water, electricity, and all the material things that surround us…There really is so much! <3 And we really don’t control much of what we have…God provides it ALL!  Being grateful for our blessing will bring us closer to  HIM and will help us recognize His influence in our lives. Even the difficult things we go through can become blessings to us…the important thing is to have a spirit of gratitude in our hearts. <3
There’s a story in Luke 17 about gratitude which says;
¶And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee.

12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off:
 13 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.
 14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.
 15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,
 16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
 18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.

 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

Lets be among the the souls who are full of gratitude! who turn their hearts to God, to fall at His feet to give Him thanks for all that we have. We really would be nothing without all of our blessings. Let’s be humble and thank Him, not only this week but ALWAYS!!! <3
<3 Our Goal for the week is to do an exercise of gratitude:
In my family every thanksgiving we pray for our blessings together and we pass out a piece of paper to everyone where we all write down the things that we are thankful for. (It’s meant to be a personal paper that you can take home with you each year and put up on the fridge etc..) but when everyone in the family is done writing their list we share one thing that we’re thankful for with the family and we listen to the blessings of others and how grateful they are for them. This exercise brings an awesome feeling of gratitude in the home. I hope you can try it. or if you want to do this alone, just thank God for your blessings, gratitude prayers are the best!!! <3
 <3 Our physical goal is:
 that we can have a day to enjoy the thanksgiving food. But the goal is that it won’t be two or three days of eating bad etc… Lets try to be really good the other days eating nutritious healthy meals and only being bad on thanksgiving day! 🙂 lol Let’s do it!!! <3
Hope to see you tonight in class!!! I’m so excited to have that time to relax, exercise, get rid of stress and do something amazing for ourselves! Bring your friends and family so they can enjoy it too! Love yourself enough to do the BEST for yourself! Have a blessed and wonderful day!!! 🙂

Be a Light!

I think all of us share similar emotions at this time that so many things have been going on around the world. I would like to share with you my experience of what I’ve been feeling and hope that my testimony strengthens you and helps you as much as I have received help during this time.

My heart has been aching, thinking about the innocent people who are suffering, have suffered and those who have lost their lives because of the darkness and evil plots in the hearts of human beings on this earth.

Because I have felt my heart ache so much and my soul so broken from seeing and hearing about all these events…this morning as I was preparing to write this message I couldn’t help but cry, a lot!…I noticed that the pain that was in my soul was also accompanied by fear of what would happen in the future etc…until I realized that only God could take away my pain and that I desperately needed to get on my knees and talk to my creator.

I knelt down and just asked Him to bring me peace, peace to my heart and my soul. I wanted to ask why? Why are these things happening…but I quickly realized that what He can provide for me at this time is peace!! so, I needed to ask for peace, comfort and courage. After my prayer I want to testify to you of how AMAZING God is! I waited on my knees for an answer and I want you to know that He did answer me in the most beautiful and indescribable way…I felt as if it was His light filling me completely! to the point that my mind, my heart, my entire body and my whole being felt completely covered in peace from inside out! was so beautiful. Then I felt/heard His peaceful yet powerful voice speak to my heart letting me know that He loves me, He loves all of us and He sees it ALL!…His aching is also great….He feels the pain and hears the cries of all of His children. He provides comfort to those who need it and seek Him. <3…justice will come in His timing. Then, I heard the words to one of my favorite hymns called Be still my soul,
Which says;

Be still, my soul: The Lord is in thy side;
with patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change he faithful will remain.
Be still my soul: Thy best, thy Heavenly Friend
Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Isn’t that beautiful? Seriously, I’m so thankful that those words were provided for my comfort and my peace. And the last two things I heard and felt in my heart and fully came to my mind so clearly are these two scriptures which say,

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

And this one also fully came clearly to my mind and I heard it.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

That amazing God that we pray to, that holds the earth and sky at His command, that created this testing period for us on earth…He really is in control and knows it ALL. He knows us even better than we know ourselves and I testify to you that yes! He does provide help and healing when we come to Him with a pure heart, not doubting that He loves us and will answer our prayers in his infinite timing and wisdom. We really have to doubt our doubts before we doubt our Faith! <3

He has provided peace to my soul today! I am so thankful and humbled to receive such an answer from my Father in Heaven and my savior Jesus Christ. I love them more than anything in the world or outside the world!…these feelings that I felt were also accompanied by a strong desire for us to unite ourselves in Love one with another. Instead of focusing on the negative (like I was doing) we have to focus on ***what we CAN DO!!!*** to give light into the world that so desperately needs courageous souls of light to shine and stand up not for the fear of man but the fear of God! To serve Him to love him and to do the things that this loving God wants us to do at this precise time! Things like, giving love, service, help, lifting the hands of those who are suffering or hurting and to BE HIS HANDS ON THIS EARTH. WE ARE HERE TO DO GOOD! TO BE GOOD! And to leave this earth when our time comes in PEACE knowing that we did the best we could for those who we know and for those who we don’t know! We are all Gods children and we can all help each other in our times of need…there’s a lot we can do. So let’s do it! Let’s give light and love! Let’s flood the earth with goodness!!!!! Darkness cannot prevail when there’s people like us who want to give light that will cover the world even in the hardest of times. I leave with you my testimony of these things that I will treasure in my heart forever, and I pray that you will feel Gods peace in your heart too and a desire to be that light and do your very best! & I say these things in the sacred name of my savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Our spiritual goal for the week is to be a light!!!
Donate to help the people around the world who are suffering and in need food, clothing, shelter! Any little bit helps. Or use your social media to provide light and positive messages of love and kindness. You can also help a stranger, do something around your community, lift the spirit of someone you know who needs it…help as many people as you can and make it a goal to do at least 1 nice thing  for someone each day!!! <3

Our physical goal is to meditate, to take time alone to calm our minds in peace and quiet. Sit outside and let your mind be clear. Clarity will help you define you goals and also help you to realize how you want to love and take care of yourself of your body, what you eat, drink etc…to have your very best health that will allow you to be happy, have energy and to give of yourself even more to others.

I love you all! And I want you to know that always pray that whoever is meant to read this message will read it. Keep it in your heart and don’t forget what you feel please! God communicates so delicately with us, we have to treasure those moments. And feel the ways in which he speaks to us and our hearts. Let’s be a light to the world and be totally awesome at it!!!! lol 😉 <3 We’re gonna do this together! And we can make a difference for sure! <3

See you tonight for a killer workout and awesome therapy session!!! Have a blessed and wonderful week! Stay string & Let’s do this!!!

Lots of love,
Lili <3


We all have struggles, difficulties, and challenges. Some greater than others, but none of us are exempt from these things in our lives. It’s part of living on this earth, it’s part of the learning process we have to go through to know the differences between sickness and health, sadness and joy, etc. Challenges help us become more like our Father in Heaven….Teaching us empathy, patience, love and understanding for our circumstances and the circumstances of those around us. <3
We all have ways of coping with the challenges that come into our lives…at the end of the day it all has to do with CHOICE. We have more control than we think. Instead of getting down on ourselves, being stuck in a hole and letting the stress take over…We will choose differently! We will remember that GOD IS BY OUR SIDE!!! <3 With His power we will have the strength to have a better reaction and to react in the best and most beneficial way for our own well-being and for those around us.
During difficult times we can ask ourselves;
God is anxious to hear from us and to help us. Especially during our hardest times! <3 His love for us is infinite and stronger than we can possibly imagine. We really can do all things with HIM by our side and we will overcome it all.
The spiritual goal for the week is to ask ourselves these questions, and to pray to receive strength and guidance. If we’re blessed enough to not be going through difficult times right now…then, the goal for the week is to seek and find someone who is having a hard time and to be there for them. To help rescue someone who needs us! God will guide you to know who that person may be. <3
Our physical goal for the week is to do some kind of physical activity, for at least 15 minutes per day. Ideally 30 minutes would be great, but whatever we can do is enough. As long as we’re doing something daily, that would be awesome! 😉 Whether it’s going out for a walk, doing yoga or having a killer workout…anything will make a difference. So, make that happen for yourself daily and feel great and proud of what you do! 🙂
Hope to see you tonight for class!!! The disco lights will be on, and the music will be awesome! The work out will be worth every minute! 🙂 And the therapy will be amazing to feel renewed for the rest of the week! Have a blessed and wonderful day!!! <3
Lots of love,

Being Positive

It’s easy for us to get down on ourselves when life throws challenges and difficulties at us. But, focusing on the sadness, negativity, etc…doesn’t allow us to move forward and progress. A negative thinker sees a difficulty in every opportunity, and a *positive thinker sees an opportunity in every difficulty.
God created us to have JOY! He wants us to learn to be positive, to see the good, and to see all the blessings in our lives…
We are never alone! He holds our hand every single day of our lives. He is always there. We have to choose to reach out to Him and access His wisdom and power, through the immense blessing of the power of prayer that He has given us. <3
Remember, WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! We choose to be positive, think positive, speak positive and do all that is positive for our lives. 🙂 <3
***Our spiritual goal for the week: is to kick those negative thoughts out of our lives and to replace them with POSITIVE thoughts!!! Lets try it for this week and see how good we feel! 🙂 Be conscious of the moments when the negativity comes. Acknowledge it, but quickly change the thought to a positive affirmation for yourself. Ex; God fills me with light, I am happy, I am peace. <3
As my dear friend reminded me today, energy flows where attention goes. <3 …Keep your energy positive in ALL that you do and all things will work out for your good. <3
*** Our Physical goal is to continue to eat healthy! Eat things that feel good for your body before and after you eat them…you know what I mean. 😉 That piece of chocolate cake might feel good before and while you’re eating it, but as soon as your done, the guilt comes and you feel bad that you ate it! Especially when you’re trying to take care of yourself! The goal for the week, is to make sure that everything you eat feels good after you eat it. That it feels like it was a good thing for your body, and that you won’t regret it afterwards…Choose the Good foods!!! 🙂
Do your best and be your best! <3 God loves you, and so do I! Hope to see you tonight in class for an awesome time to get rid of stress, do something great for our bodies, and be totally renewed together.
Today will be a blessed and wonderful day!