This past weekend I had an opportunity to teach a group of kids ages 8 to 11. I wanted to encourage them to take a moment to feel gratitude for the body that God has given each of us individually. I encouraged them to acknowledge how amazing their bodies are, the way they work and the ability that we have to move, exercise and even help our minds and thoughts by choosing what to focus on.
During the meditation portion of the class, I asked the kids to close their eyes and FOCUS on allowing their bodies to relax. To just feel their breath & be in a moment of gratitude.
I then guided them through a meditation where I asked them to see themselves In the most beautiful and peaceful place they could think of. I encouraged them to focus on visualizing themselves being the in the presence of God. To allow themselves to be open to feeling a hug from Him and to truly try to listen to what God was telling each of them individually.
I then opened my eyes for a moment to check on the kids and noticed that some of the kids were smiling! Others looked focused and peaceful. I was even able to notice a little girl wiping tears from her face. Each child in that room who wanted to feel God had an opportunity to personally connect to Him. It was a beautiful experience for me to witness that and to see how God is able to provide what each soul needs. 🥹
I asked the kids to guard and treasure the feelings and the words that were coming to them from God. I testify and know that when we’re truly wanting to feel God and we come to Him with that full purpose and real intent in our hearts, He will make Himself known unto us. He will bring peace to our hearts and let us know He is there.
After the meditation I asked the kids to gently open their eyes. I could see the peace and light in their countenance and all aprons them. I asked them what they could see now with their eyes open? and one little girl said: “ I CAN STILL SEE JESUS!!” I smiled and said “Wow! Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all could see Jesus even with our eyes open?!”
As soon as she said that, God put this feeling in my heart and I told the kids that we CAN see Jesus even with our eyes open! It all has to do with what we choose to FOCUS ON. If we want to focus on seeing God in our every day life, we can and we will see Him & feel Him. 🙂
I gave that little girl a ride home after the activity and we saw these beautiful red flowers on the side of the road. She pointed at them and said: “Look at the beautiful red flowers!!! 🌹 Isn’t God amazing? He made them so bright and pretty!” We talked about how hard it would be to describe that bright color red to someone who is blind…we couldn’t find the words to describe that color and beauty. We talked about how blessed we are to be able to see the beauty of those flowers.
The words form that sweet little girl, have stayed with me ever since I hear them. “I can still see Jesus even with my eyes open!” So now, I’m trying to focus my lenses of “vision” this week to try to see the beauty around me. To try to see Jesus even with my eyes open. I’m trying to purposely change my thoughts and to direct them more toward God. To ask Him to help me, guide me and inspire me to see Him and feel Him hour by hour.
I’m purposefully trying to focus more on gratitude, Joy and peace rather than stressing out about all kinds of things that may be going on. I’m choosing to keep my eyes open to Him. To feeling God, being present with Him and allowing Him to light the hours of my day from one moment to the next.
I invite you to do the same for yourself. To choose to focus on seeing God even with your eyes open. To fully feel Him close to you and around you. Being a God who is able to remove your burdens, your pain and instead allowing yourself to feel the pure love that God has just for you.
I pray that as we practice this goal of changing what we focus on, that we will be able to change how we feel, how we spend our time and the energy that we put into each moment of our day. So, remind yourself today and say to yourself; “God will help me. He is loving, kind and a giver of good gifts. It’s in His nature to want to help me. So I come to Him with a pure heart and with Faith knowing that He will take care of me moment bu moment. He will show me what to focus on and allow me to see Him even with my eyes open.” 💛
Hope to see tonight at 7:00pm to allow our minds and bodies to release stress and to focus on renewing ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually.
Don’t forget that we’re the ones who need to dig deep and find the motivation to do this for ourselves. 💪🏼🥰 Try to remind yourself of the reasons why you want to exercise, or meditate. Just show up and I promise that you’ll leave class feeling way better than before you got there. You’ll go home feeling so peaceful, renewed and filled with positive energy.
I hope that you can make it and invite others to benefit as well. ❤️
You’ve got this! God and His divine light are all around you to fill you completely and give you energy and strength. keep going and doing your best. 💪🏼🥰❤️🙏🏼
Lili 🌸