I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas season with your loved ones!!!
️ I couldn’t go to sleep without sending out a little message and letting you know that you are all just such a HUGE blessing in my life! I’m so thankful for having met you, and that God crossed our paths, He never makes mistakes. I’m thankful for your examples, your courage, your friendship and for the wonderful and amazing woman that you are!!! 
I pray that this Christmas season and always God will bless us and help us to be wise. to know the things that we should be doing daily, where we really should be focusing our energies, and to understand that pure and true happiness comes from within us and from our relationship with God.
This week things were put into a different perspective for me. I’ve been thinking about my aunt who is in the hospital and also my friend who has spent the whole Christmas week at the Arnold Palmer ICU with her son who has been very delicate and not doing well…my heart broke when I received a picture of my friends son and realized the situation and how difficult this would be for any mother. I prayed with all my heart that this baby would heal and come out of this!…I know that God will take care of him and that he will be ok, I have no doubt.
My point is, that this quote that I sent you really says it all, we all gave and received lots of gifts…but really, we all know that none of the material things will bring true happiness or that we even get to take any of them with us when we leave this life…Instead it’s the ones we get to Hug! It’s the ones we get to listen to! It’s the moments that we spend with our loved ones that become our biggest and most precious treasures. 
So, treasure this time with them, let’s turn off the distractions in our lives and focus on the people that we have closest to us. Let’s tell them we love them every single day!!! Each day is a gift and we must use it wisely and fill it with goodness and Love!
May all of us be blessed with health and all that God wants to bring into our lives. I love you all and I’m here for you always!
Have a Merry Christmas and focus on what truly matters most!….God and Family! That’s our goal for the week. 
& Our physical goal, is to do some kind of physical activity at least 3 days this week! Even a walk counts! Let’s do it!!!…I miss class so much!!! Can’t wait to be back at the beginning of the year!! 
Don’t forget to take care of yourself because no one else is gonna go that for YOU! Do your best and be your best!!!
have a blessed and wonderful rest of the week!
Love always,
