Stay Centered

Stress is one of those words which we use frequently but try to do very little to remove from our minds. We will always encounter circumstances which can bring about “stress” anxiety or frustration in our lives. It ultimately has to do with the way in which we RESPOND to the situation which will allow us to either remain stressed or to be able to calm ourselves down and become internally peaceful. The choice is always ours.

The question then becomes, how do we react to the situations that you are encountering? Do we find ourselves becoming frustrated, upset or negative? Do we begin to point fingers or judge others for what they’ve done to us? We usually tend to complain, criticize, feel stressed, anxious, asking “why me?!” Or even creating feeling of “competition” toward others etc. These feelings and emotions are described as being out of Center. The more that we choose to react in the ways mentioned above, the more they will become a habit for us. We have to be conscious in knowing that we are the ones who CHOOSE our responses! we are the ones who can make a difference in our own minds. No one else can do that for us.

We have to practice remaining Centered

The most important thing we can do is allow ourselves & the power of our minds to help us during these situations, feelings or emotions that we may begin to encounter. It is in our true desire to not let others control ME! Or my reactions that we win and are able to remain peaceful for our own good. Every time we allow others to take us out of our Center we give our power to them!! Can you see how that happens? If we allow others to take us out of our Center we can remain strong ?? to not allow them or the situations that arise to remove us from our center. The power will still be in our control & if we choose to not allow others or the circumstances take us out of our Center, then we will fight to remain centered. These are habits which we can break if we truly want to be able to feel peaceful and centered amidst the strongest storms of our lives.

Since we know that we can make the changes necessary for us to remain centered or to come back to Center, we must be aware of what situations are happening around us. We must look at the way in which we are responding. The first and most important step, is for us to be able to acknowledge and realize that we are out of center. Once we realize this is, our mind can help us to bring about images, thoughts or scents that can allow us to come back to Center. We can remove ourselves from distractions and take some time to breathe outside to lower our emotions and try to return to our center. We think about the way in which we would like to react in a higher way to the situation or in a way which will allow us to remain peaceful and not give away or power to do so.

WHEN WE ARE ABLE TO CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS, OUR REACTIONS AND OUR MIND WE EXPERIENCE TRUE POWER. The power to remain calm and centered can only be exercised by consciously being aware of when you’re losing it and still being able to remain peaceful and calm. It takes work but our mind, body & spirit will benefit as we learn to control ourselves and our emotions. There are many studies which show the effects of the mind in the body. You will find a connection to stress and disease in almost all of the cases. The levels of stress on a person and a lack of control in their lives bring about more disease. The opposite goes for those who learn and master their minds, they’re able to even reverse disease. That’s why meditation is so important! & that’s the reason why I like to invite everyone to come to class. To learn to meditate and to gain more control of our minds. To help us reverse disease, gain the benefits of meditation and be able to remain centered in the circumstances that come into our lives. Once again, the choice is ours. ๐Ÿ™‚

One important aspect of this is that we must have a true and strong desire to make the changes which will allow us to experience that still and calming peace that comes can only come from our Center. Imagine as if you are a house, with many people living in your home. There are different personalities different thoughts and experiences (kind of like the movie inside out) The important thing is for us to notice that there has to be a Center, a higher self which can control all of these emotions and reactions that weโ€™re so quick to have sometimes. It is our center which will help us to quiet the voices of all of the other “personalities” or people living in our home specially those that bring out negative reactions (frustration, anger, jealousy etc) It is the higher self which will help us to regain a peaceful control and allow us to react in the most positive way possible.

Our higher self is connected to God. We can feel that our souls have a higher level of energy and power. Because WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD! itโ€™s the connection to our higher self and our source of power which is God which will allow us to take charge and to control of the other โ€œreactionsโ€ Within us. It is also important to know that we are in charge of creating the methods which will allow us to connect to our higher source. Some of these things can be taking a break from our distractions like social media, TV, phones, entertainment etc. we can stop these things to take a moment to sit outside in nature, together ourselves, to be still, breathe and connect to our higher source for wisdom and guidance on how to react and come to Center. Allowing ourselves to have a little bit of time to connect to our source and to feel the peace and calm that it brings and which can heal from within. You have to seek it for yourself and you will find it. ?

We can take moments to just close our eyes, quiet the chatter in our minds and find our higher self to then connect ourselves to our higher source which is God. Who WILL help us react to every situation and who will guide us and give us the gift or receiving peace and clarity when we need it. ? As long as we trust Him & believe in his healing light and power He will provide it. Proverbs 3:5-6 says;โ€Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.โ€ Know that He will guide us, he will help us as long as we come to him and listen for his counsel that He desires to share with us. The more that we practice coming to our center and connecting to him the more that we will see his hand in our lives and the more we will be able to experience peace, joy and the power of God in our every day life.

So, take your breaks form the distractions. Donโ€™t allow others or your situations control your emotions. Find time to connect to who you really are as a child of God and do whatever is necessary to Connect to your FATHER! The source of ALL PEACE! The source of all that is Good! ? He will provide the light and strength that you need to overcome ANYTHING with His help during your life. Trust in yourself! You can do this! The power of your mind is amazing! ?? Take control and connect to your source to feel the difference. God loves you & is ready and willing to help you! โค๏ธ

Our spiritual goal for the week is to connect to our center and to God. Our goal is also to not allow negative situations, people or experiences to control us, but for us to take control over ourselves, our minds and our emotions to keep ourselves calm, peaceful and centered.

Our physical goal for the week is to eat nutritious and balanced meals. We only want good things going into our bodies. Let go of the sugary drinks and replace them with water and feel the difference in energy in your body. Also donโ€™t forget to move and make time to exercise at least 3 times during the week. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope to see you tonight for a wonderful workout, toning and meditation. Your mind and body need this therapy!!! It feels so good! ? Make it happen for yourself and feel the difference in your day & your week ๐Ÿ™‚ hope that you can make it and invite anyone else who you think would benefit from doing this for themselves. Take it one day at a time. Do your best & be your best! โค๏ธ


Lili ?